Home > Tradeoffer > Welding Manipulator Column Boom for Wind Tower Fit Up Welding
Welding Manipulator
Welding Rotator
Welding Positioner
Customized Welding Solution
Plate Shot Blasting Machine
CNC Cutting Machine
Edge Milling Machine
Plate Rolling Machine
Welding Manipulator
Fit-up Rotator
Fit-up Growing Line
Sand Blasting Welding Rotator
Welding Positioner for Vessle Head Welding Positioner for Vessle Head Our Welding positioner is designed rotate round or tubular work pieces such as flanges and pipe...
Welding Rotator Desgin Welding Rotator Desgin This designed rotator is built in 10Ton, hydraulic driving. Wheels distance is adjusted by motorized lead ...
Flux Tank: - A pressurized flux tank that can be mounted at the base (for easy refilling), providing a continuous supply of new flux to the hopper. - A flux heater can be mounted on top of the flux tank for simple but effective heating and transfer of the flux. - A high-vacuum turbine with automatic filter cleaning when used in place of the pneumatic recuperator can extract flux to the heater. - A magnetic particle separator can be incorporated inside the heater in order to remove mill scale from the recycled flux.